By Luke Sumpter

All marijuana connoisseurs want to enjoy ultimate joints. There are many factors that decide whether a joint is dank or rank. The burning rate of a joint is a crucial factor that can make or break the experience. So, let’s get to it, what affects the burning rate of a joint.

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The moisture level of the bud will determine the burning rate of a joint. When the cannabis plants are harvested, they are subject to curing techniques, which allow the moisture to evaporate from the buds. If the buds disintegrate when you touch them, like dry leaves, the buds are probably too dry and will burn rapidly. The ultimate moisture levels of the buds should be around 10%. If you mix with tobacco or other substances, consider their moisture levels.


Another significant factor is the quality of the rolling papers. First of all, the thickness of the papers will determine the burn rate. With thinner papers, a larger amount of air is able to pass through, causing the joint to burn slower. Second, smoking papers are made from different materials. Papers can be made from flax, hemp, rice, wood pulp etc. So choose the ones that burn the best. Third, the additives can cause the papers to burn fast, so if you want a slow burning joint and a healthier smoke, thin additive-free papers are a great choice. Some smokers add an extra paper over the joint to prevent sideburns and make the zoot last longer.



Tightly packed joints burn slower than airy ones. The diminished airflow passing through a condensed joint stagnates the burn rate. If the joint is too tightly packed, it will be hard to smoke, and you will make strange facial expressions. If the joint is packed loosely, it will burn quickly, the mixture might be falling out, the burn rate will be uneven and the experience will be undesirable. So pack it tight, but not too tight!


The weed needs to be ground evenly for an ultimate joint. If the buds are uneven in size, which happens often when crumbled by hand, the joint will burn unevenly. Make sure to buy a quality grinder that cuts evenly throughout the entire grinder.


Let’s get the obvious out of the way. If you inhale the joint intensely, it will burn faster. So if you want the joint to burn slower, pace your inhalation intensity and relax.


Some cannabis connoisseurs like to add cannabis wax into their joints. It makes the joints burn slower and it adds a nice cannabinoid boost. The wax is spread thinly on the inside of the joint before adding the mix. Some mavericks are reported to be using honey on the inside of the joint to slow down the burn rate and get a nice honey tasting. Some people glaze the outside of the joint and sprinkle some ganja on it, which looks pretty cool. But things can get messy pretty fast.

Some tokers like to smoke fast, some like to chill and pace themselves, either way, now you have the knowledge to improve the burning rate of your joint. So next time you're rolling with your friends, use the provided knowledge to create an ultimate joint and gain instant respect.


Backwards joints are an excellent way to improve burning rate. Toking on a joint is supposed to be a relaxing and therapeutic process, but it can quickly turn south when it burns too fast or keeps going out. Rolling a backwards joint is a reliable way to produce a stick that burns slowly and smoothly. Plus, it means inhaling less paper smoke.

Rolling a backwards joint might seem tricky at first. But, it's just as simple as rolling a traditional joint, with some impressive pyrotechnics involved!

Here's a step-by-step guide to rolling a backwards joint.

  • STEP 1 Take your rolling papers of choice and remove a leaf. You'll also need a tip or a "roach". Tear a strip of cardboard from the flap of your rolling paper packet, then roll it into a cylinder. Some smokers prefer to use manufactured wooden or glass tips.
  • STEP 2 When rolling a standard joint, you'll be used to loading the herb along the natural crease in the paper. To roll a backwards joint, fold the paper back on this crease. The gum strip should be on the surface closest to you and pointing downwards.
  • STEP 3 Place the tip or roach into one end of the paper. Fill the rolling paper with as much herb as you want, but be sure to leave a little space at the end to prevent any from falling out.
  • STEP 4 Start to roll the joint using your thumbs and forefingers to pack down the herb, creating a dense column.
  • STEP 5 Once the weed is densely packed, begin to tuck the gum strip over the bud until it touches the other side of the paper. But don't cover it up just yet! Now that the gum strip is in position, give it a lick to make it sticky.
  • STEP 6 Now it's time to tuck the wet gum strip under until the paper completely covers the herb. Roll the joint until the gum strip is completely attached to the other side of the paper.
  • STEP 7 You'll be left with a joint with a lot of excess paper hanging off the side. Now for the fun part! Apply a flame to one of the corners of the extra paper and watch it burn away. The wet gum strip will prevent the flame from damaging the rest of the joint.
  • STEP 8 Sit back, relax, and smoke up!