
How To Make Cannabis-infused Jam
Winter is coming, and so is the end of seasonal fresh fruit. Try this recipe to preserve fruit for winter, and better yet, infuse it with your favourite bud! We'll walk you through how to make canna-honey, which you can then use to make some delicious canna-jam.
As summer turns to autumn, the last of the seasonal fruit is passing through shops and homes. If you’re a fruit fan and would like to preserve some summer freshness in winter, consider making jam. Better yet, consider making jam infused with cannabis!
Canna-jam is a healthy way to start or end your day with some sweetness. Combining the health benefits of cannabis, honey, and fruit, this staple is a way to indulge your sweet-tooth guilt-free! Furthermore, this recipe works with any and all fruit, making it top-of-the-line in versatility. This jam tastes great on toast, scones, waffles, biscuits, in cakes, or even on its own!
Canna-jam is a two-stage process; the first stage involves making canna-honey and the second is the jam-making itself. We’ll provide both recipes here to walk you through every stage of the canna-jam making process.
Before you dive into these recipes, make sure to decarboxylate your weed, to ensure your cannabinoids are bioavailable. Heat your cannabis flowers at 104°C–113°C in a glass or ceramic container for 30–40 minutes.
- 28g cannabis
- 2.3kg jar of honey
- Pantyhose
- Covered pot
- Place cannabis in the pantyhose and tie it securely shut.
- Place cannabis-filled pantyhose and honey in pot, and heat to a simmer. Lower heat, cover, and allow to simmer for five hours.
- Allow to cool for 24 hours. Remove pantyhose, squeeze out excess honey, and discard. The honey is now infused with cannabis.
- ¼ cup canna-honey
- 4 cups fruit of your choice
- 2 cups sugar
- ¼ cup lemon juice
- Two mason jars
- Saucepan, preferably cast iron
- Heat sugar and lemon juice in saucepan on low heat. If the mixture is browning, the heat is too high—the goal is to let it simmer longer to produce a syrup. Stir constantly until sugar has dissolved fully. This process takes about 10 minutes.
- Stir in fruit. Use a fork or spatula to help it break down. Cook for roughly 20 minutes—longer for a smoother jam, less time for a chunkier jam.
- Place ⅛ cup canna-honey at the bottom of each jar.
- Divide contents of the saucepan evenly between each mason jar. Stir thoroughly to evenly distribute canna-honey.
- Allow to cool, then enjoy however you wish!