
How To Make Your Own Banana Pipe
Whether you are out of supplies or just want to try something different, bananas make excellent pipes. In fact, so do many different types of fruits and vegetables.
We all know fruits and vegetables are a fantastic source of nutrients. Sugary fruits even make a refreshing and hydrating snack when the munchies kick in with full effect. However, did you know that certain fruits and vegetables can double up as smoking apparatus? Tropical, tasty treats such as bananas happen to be the perfect length and shape to be used as pipes. We’ve all had that moment before a long awaited smoke session when we realise that we have no papers to roll joints, no bongs or pipes laying around, and no vape pen at our disposal. It’s times like these when creativity and innovation are required.
The only next logical step in this situation is to head to the kitchen and see what the fruit bowl can provide. If you have any bananas that aren’t overripe, you are in luck. Learn how to craft this carbohydrate-rich food item into a ready-to-use pipe.
First thing’s first, banana selection! You don’t have to be too fussy here. The important thing is to avoid overripe bananas that have excessive black spots or patches on the skin. These will be extremely mushy inside and will just create a mess. Choose a semi ripe banana that is either entirely yellow or still slightly green.
The more tools you have at your disposal, the better. Although banana pipes are easy to craft, having a different tool for each part of the process will make the job much easier and faster to accomplish.
A small teaspoon is the first tool of choice. These nimble little spoons are ideal for carefully carving a bowl out of one end of the banana. This small hole will eventually be the vessel for your bud just before blazing it up.
Next up, you’ll need either a wooden skewer or a plastic (or stainless steel) straw. These long and thin devices are perfect for creating the airway within the core of the banana to enable the smoke to be drawn through.
A sharp knife is next on the list. This tool is needed for cutting and slicing. Additionally, the creative types out there may wish to use it to add patterns and details to the pipe. Banana pipes are by no means permanent, but some people might want to go the extra mile before a smoking session with their friends.
Finally, you’ll need a small square of tin foil. This will act as your gauge and will prevent any ash from being sucked through the pipe.
Choose which side and end of the banana you want the bowl to be carved. Use the knife and carve out its initial shape, removing the section of peel. Next, use the small teaspoon to begin carving out an upside down dome shape.
Next, use the knife once more to cut the tip of the banana off the other end of the fruit. Now, use the skewer or straw to form a tunnel leading from this end all the way to the bowl you just carved. This tunnel will allow you to draw the smoke. Make sure all the debris is removed from this tunnel by blowing through it a few times to avoid inhaling any banana.
Now, use the knife again to slice off a thin vertical portion from the other tip of the banana, just enough to expose some of the flesh of the fruit. Use the skewer or straw again to piece a hole leading from this end to the bowl. This tunnel will serve as a “shotgun” hole. The idea is to keep a finger tip concealing it during lighting the bowl and inhalation. Once you have taken a full hit, release your finger from this hole to allow fresh air to rush through, ensuring no smoke is left behind.
Next, take your small square of tin foil and use the knife to poke a few small holes in the middle of it. Press this foil down into the bowl so it coats the outside of the bowl and forms the same shape.
And that’s it! Place your flower of choice within the bowl, cover the shotgun hole, and smoke away!
It’s not just bananas that can be used to make a homemade pipe. Many other fruits and vegetables also serve as good candidates for such a project. If you have no bananas in your kitchen, try some of these other fruits and vegetables.
Apples are common in almost any kitchen. Although they are much more firm than a banana, it’s still more than possible to use similar tools to carve out the bowl. Making the tunnel isn’t as easy, so you’ll need a firmer tool such as a screwdriver.
Melons are a fantastic fruit to make a pipe out of. These large fruits have a soft interior, making it easy to carve the tunnel. The high terpene content within melons will add some fruity flavour to your smoke.
Potatoes are hard, but durable. You will need to use more hardcore tools such as screwdrivers, but they are very unlikely to break during the process. The durability of this vegetable also means the tunnel is very unlikely to collapse.
This softer piece of veg is very similar to a banana when it comes to crafting a pipe. Use the exact same steps as the banana bong to turn this veg into an operational pipe.