• Easy Grow Booster Tablets

Easy Grow Booster Tablets

Easy Grow Booster Tablet has a special formulation with all the compounds for a fast, healthy and strong growth. The unique content of growth stimulants, such as microorganisms and amino acids is designed to optimize and maximize plants' growth in their vegetative stage. You won’t regret starting your next crop with an easy-to-use nutrient like Easy Grow Booster Tablet!
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The Easy Grow Booster Tablet is an advanced organic growth booster, which contains all the basic minerals and the micro elements required by demanding plants for their optimal growth. The special bio-stimulants of Easy Grow Tablet help the plants naturally increasing their resistance to diseases. The components of this growth booster can be effectively used throughout the entire vegetative phase.

The Easy Grow Booster Tablet is a nutritional supplement, that expresses its benefits at best when combined with other nutrients. Its formula can be effectively integrated by Easy Grow Tablets because the Growth Booster Tablet and the Easy Grow Tablets do provide a complementary mix of all the nutrients needed for a balanced growth.


The Easy Grow Booster Tablet contains different organic bio-stimulants, which are able to increase the nutrient intake during the growing phase of your plants. Each tablet contains microorganisms and amino acids, that facilitate the growth of the root system. Bigger and fast developing roots will then maximize plant’s ability to transform minerals in energy, thus optimizing its growth and increasing the resistance to diseases.

Easy Grow Booster Tablet can be used throughout the entire vegetative stage, including the seedling phase.

Video id: 484363957


No other nutrient makes watering easier than the Easy Grow Tablet: All you have to do is dissolve one tablet (3g) in 3-5 litres of water. The Growth Booster mix is ready.

If you grow your plants indoors, just use the Easy Grow Booster mix instead of plain water. You can water your plants every time with this booster mix.

If you grow outdoors, water your cultivation with the Easy Grow Booster mix once or twice per week. Use only regular water in between. You can feed your plants with the Easy Grow Booster mix starting from seedling up to the end of the vegetative phase.

When prepared, the Easy Grow Booster mix should be used within 7 days. After that period you should mix a Growth Booster Tablet into fresh water and water your plants with this new batch of nutrient solution.

The Easy Grow Booster Tablet is available in packs of 5 tablets.


  1. Use your Easy Grow Booster Tablet mix as soon as the sprouts emerge from the soil
  2. Dissolve 1 Easy Grow Booster Tablet in 3 to 5 litres of water to have your booster mix ready
  3. Use your Easy Grow Booster mix to water your plants as they need during their entire vegetative stage 1

1 You can store and water your plants with the Growth Booster mix for 7 days. After that period we recommend to prepare a new booster mix.


Hydrolized protein 30%
Leonardite humic acid 20%
Lithothamnium seaweed 20%
Potassium sulfate 12%
Magnesium sulfate 3%
Calcium bi-carbonate 15%

RQS Nutrients: The Best
Fertilisers for Cannabis

Easy Roots Rhizobacter
Easy Roots Trichoderma
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix
Bat Guano
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition
Easy Grow Booster Tablets
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets
Easy Combo Booster Pack
Easy Plus Micronutrients
Thicker Flowers
Bigger Flowers
Sweeter Flowers
Incompatible (unless used in separate phases of growth) High in phosphorous (check Special considerations for each product)

    By J. H. on 13/Feb/2025 :

    Title : Easy AF
    Comment : Good for beginners and easy to use.

    By F. S. on 05/Jan/2025 :

    Title : Top
    Comment : Pflanzen sind super gewachsen

    By G. C. on 20/Nov/2024 :

    Title : Bon produit
    Comment : Bon produit mais pas miraculeux non plus. Seulement bien trop cher pour 5 comprimés, il faudrait que RQS revoit certain prix car si on prends toute la gamme conseillée, on se ruine...

    By F. M. on 23/Oct/2024 :

    Title : Ferbs
    Comment : Kann nur positives über die Tabletten sagen. Seitdem ich meine Pflanzen damit gieße sind diese sichtlich gewachsen. 5/5 Sterne kann man nur empfehlen.

    By R. B. on 17/Sep/2024 :

    Title : Easy Grow Booster Tablets
    Comment : Thank you guys/girls at royalqueenseeds.com. you people are amazing and so easy to deal with. I purchased this product and LOVED IT! very easy to use just pop 1 Tablet into 3-5L of water and plus it also Reduces you're PH level to. Definitely beginner friendly and even the pros would love this. Make sure to get the easy grow Pellets as it will work fantastic with the easy grow booster Tablets

    By D. C. on 10/Jul/2024 :

    Title : T.C
    Comment : Très facile d'utilisation et les plantes en sont ravies! Petit bémol, bien contrôler le PH une fois dissout car le produit est un peu acide!

    By F. Y. on 02/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Impeccable
    Comment : Mes plants adorent

    By T. S. on 02/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Galosz
    Comment : Easy to use and very helpful! Love it

    By A. B. on 11/Jun/2024 :

    Title : Alex
    Comment : Guter Dünger. Einfach zu benutzen

    By N. G. on 24/May/2024 :

    Title : Ottimo, leggermente costoso
    Comment : Consigliato, abbasserei leggermente il prezzo

    By I. K. on 03/Apr/2024 :

    Title : Easy Grow
    Comment : Very good booster. Have seen the effects instantly.

    By A. S. on 21/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Ottimo prodotto
    Comment : Dopo aver rilevato qualche carenza ho deciso di provare questo prodotto, la pianta era molto più verde e rigogliosa

    By F. S. on 21/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Crescita
    Comment : Prodotto fantastico! Piantine sane e forti

    By S. C. on 09/Feb/2024 :

    Title : Nutrients
    Comment : My plants really liked them :)

    By N. M. on 28/Dec/2023 :

    Title : Very nice product
    Comment : Thank you

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From Filipe Pinto | 2025-03-06 15:47:24

How long can you store the tablets before they spoil?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Easy Grow Booster Tablets can typically be stored for up to 1 year if kept in a cool, dry place and sealed properly. To ensure they last as long as possible, avoid exposure to moisture or extreme temperatures.

From Seukii | 2021-03-26 03:49:46

Can you use both easy boost organic and easy grow at the same time?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Absolutely, Easy boost is a nutrient and the Easy grow is a booster, they are compatible.

From Laurence Cockle | 2018-09-07 21:07:26

Can you use easy grow booster on your Autos

Royal Queen Seeds Team


From Loucas | 2018-06-02 12:26:34

Bonjour je voudrais savoir combien de fois par semaine devrai je mettre 1 pastille de grow ? Et pour la floraison combien de pastille bloom par semaine ? ( evidement diluer dans l eau ) merci

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can store and water your plants with the Growth Booster mix for 7 days. After that period we recommend to prepare a new booster mix.

From Lucas Piscina | 2018-05-23 13:15:06

Bonjour je voidrai demander si je peux mettre de l engrais tout les jours et est ce que je peux le melangee avec les granuler organique que vous vender ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The Vertafort Growth and Blooming booster are complements to optimize the results of each stage. They are totally compatible with the Vertafort Organic Nutrition.

From Fabo | 2018-05-14 06:30:39

¿Se puede usar esto mas el easy boost? ¿Las plantas y/o raíces no se queman con tanto fertilizante?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Si, se pueden usar ambos. Easy Grow es un estimulante para el periodo vegetativo y el Easy Bloom es in estimulante para el periodo de floración que complementan al Easy Boost.

From anonym | 2017-11-08 23:17:08

how much water does a white widow automatic need per day mixed with this booster ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can use up to 5L of water with three tablets and water the plant as you would do with regular water.

From Linda | 2017-10-12 21:17:24

How many plants can you feed with these tablets?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You have to dissolve a tablet in 3 to 5 liters of water to create booster mix. Therefore it would depend on how many plants can you water with 3 to 5 liters.

From javier felix | 2017-09-26 23:03:20

when using these booster do you have too PH your water?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We strongly recommend to control the PH of the water from day 1 until the end.

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