
10 Cartoons You Have To Watch Stoned
If you ever find yourself yearning for shows that play to the strength of being high, then look no further. There are no nature documentaries or dramatic mini-series here. Instead, our “must-watch” list is comprised of the best cartoons to enjoy high.
Get high and fall in love with cartoons again
Whether it is the style of animation, the quirky characters, or the downright outrageous storylines, each cartoon is significantly improved by our uplifting friend, Mary Jane. Those quiet evenings getting stoned in front of the TV needn’t be so quiet anymore. You will be bursting with feel-good vibes, and lost in fits of laughter late into the night.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
It is hard to put the concept of Aqua Teen Hunger Force into words. Just trying to describe the characters makes it sound like the creators must’ve been high when they designed the show. The characters make no sense, the plot is often bizarre, and the animation style takes pride in mocking itself. By all accounts, Aqua Teen Hunger Force shouldn't be great to watch, but it really, really is.
A few joints in, and suddenly the show just seems to make sense. Don’t ask us how, just smoke and find out for yourself.

Looney Tunes
An absolute classic that contains all the elements needed to keep stoners entertained. Outlandish animal characters may start life grounded in reality, but quickly defy the odds and cheat death regularly. The episodes are also short and sweet, which is a welcome change from the hour-long comedy specials on Netflix.
Sometimes, you want to watch something that lasts as long as one joint, before getting stuck into your evening plans. Looney Tunes will remind you of those carefree years as a child, and leave you floating with feel-good vibes.

Rick and Morty
No matter how many times you watch the same episode of Rick and Morty, there is always a subtle innuendo or hidden reference you miss. There are the obvious jokes; then there are the inside jokes that only loyal fans will understand. The difficulty, however, is the show can be a little hard to get into, especially if you have started late and your friends have a head start.
Fire up the bong, get the first couple of seasons lined up, and before you know it, you’ll be the guy that's doing flawless Rick impressions at house parties.

The Ren and Stimpy Show
Ren represents the uptight, moderately stressed corporate machine that many of us fall victim to being. While Stimpy, on the other hand, is the fun-loving, carefree friend we all wish we could be a little more like. Whether you relate to the characters or not, there is something strangely real about the scenarios that Stimpy gets himself into, and the way Ren reacts.
Add marijuana into the equation, and The Ren and Stimpy Show is one of the few cartoons that will have you rolling around with laughter, rather than just the light exhale many shows manage these days.

Adventure Time
If you struggle with some of the ageing animation techniques used in older shows like Looney Tunes or Freakazoid, Adventure Time is the modern remaster that captures the essence of lovable children's cartoons. While many of the characters may appeal to children, it is the dialogue and suggestive nature that have captured the hearts of adults.
The perfect way to fuse the visually appealing nature of the animation with the laughter-inducing narrative is to add some top-drawer ganja to the proceedings. By allowing your mind to wander the cosmos, it suddenly feels like you are right there with the Adventure Time crew.

Samurai Jack
Western society has long been fascinated with Japanese culture and the concept of the samurai. Samurai Jack blends Western animation and constant action with the themes of honour and redemption as told by ancient clans of samurai warriors.
While many viewers tune in for the classic underdog tale of Jack against the hordes of evil, stoners stay for the intoxicating art style and iconic soundtrack. An intensely euphoric sativa is the ideal complement to the vivid colours and fast-paced fight scenes. Cannabis elevates the show, helping it become the perfect conduit for East-meets-West.

Spongebob Squarepants
If you have already seen some of the older cartoons in our must-watch list, then it is easy to see their influence in Spongebob Squarepants. The show perfectly balances simple animation with very adult themes. In fact, if you have been on the internet in the last five years, it doesn't take much to find a sprawling collection of Spongebob memes.
Pre-roll a few blunts, and the charismatic characters will become your new best friends. Some cartoons don’t have to make sense to be funny, they just are.

Sailor Moon
If you thought the best stoner cartoons would all be about bizarre characters and high-octane fight scenes, think again! Sailor Moon still has some odd characters, and there is action, but the show has an appeal that’s grown among adult men and women. The main characters are fighting for justice while trying to balance the struggles of everyday life. Highly relatable for a large portion of its audience, Sailor Moon has gathered a cult following.
With a few joints to break you in, you will soon find you have more in common with the main characters than you originally thought.

Freakazoid comes from an era that many of us cannot believe existed. Cartoons were free to push the boundaries of their jokes, and their characters, but still be shown in primetime slots.
Freakazoid is not your typical superhero; instead, he may be one of the first anti-heroes to capture the attention of mainstream audiences. Either way, he is strangely charming—in a slightly psychotic and deranged kind of way. With a ton of subtle references and quick skits, a hard-hitting indica helps slow down the senses and let you capture every moment.

South Park
One of the few (surviving) shows that is still allowed to step over the line and tackle controversial topics.
With 22 seasons, there is plenty of satirical humour to go around, but all that popular culture can wear a little thin after a while. Instead, try chomping down on a few edibles before embarking on a South Park binge. The fart jokes, jibes about Cartman's mum, and the infamous “who killed Kenny line” will seem just as funny 22 seasons in as they did when watching the first episode.