27 Blogs about "CBD Research"

Cannabidiol has gained a significant following, but how exactly does CBD interact with the human body? Learn all about CBD’s effects with our extensive blogs covering everything from CBD research and clinical trials to emerging novel applications of this superstar cannabinoid.

  • Hops and Cannabis: Cousins of the Cannabaceae

    Cannabis and hops belong to the same botanical family. Both plants possess glandular trichomes, feature distinct male and female specimens, and even produce the same terpenes. This striking similar ...

  • Does Cannabis Help To Treat Migraine Headaches?

    Migraines land a much harder blow than regular headaches. They leave people nauseated, dizzy, and debilitated. Conventional medications work for many people, but others opt for a bowl full of green ...

  • CBD and its relationship with pain

    Given its promising results in animal studies, not to mention its good safety profile and non-intoxicating properties, might CBD have a beneficial effect on pain? Take a look at the current researc ...

  • CBD and Cardiovascular Disease: What You Need To Know

    The leading cause of death globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an umbrella term that includes numerous dramatic conditions. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about CVD, including ...

  • Marijuana and Epilepsy: What’s the Relationship?

    Marijuana for epilepsy—a connection between the two has long been cited. But is there any merit to these claims? Below, we investigate whether cannabis could have a role to play in the treatment of ...

  • CBD Oil & Erectile Dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men. The condition can impact mood, intimate relationships, and the overall quality of life of those that experience it. Many people are turning to CBD to a ...

  • Does CBD Enhance Gut Health and Help Digestion?

    Could CBD benefit gut health? How are the two connected? Let's explore the complex role of the gut, and its relationship with the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoids like CBD.

  • CBD, Ibuprofen, and Pain

    Ibuprofen is one of the go-to medications for pain relief. However, there is growing interest in the potential of cannabidiol as an alternative. We're taking a look at the available research to see ...

  • CBD and Degenerative Disc Disease: What You Need to Know

    Degenerative disc disease describes a host of physical and psychological factors. The umbrella term encompasses a range of spinal conditions, from stenosis to facet joint syndrome. Early research s ...

  • CBD and Its Potential Impact on the Brain

    Today, we explore the science behind cannabidiol and its potential effects on our brains. Is it true that CBD can benefit brain health? If so, how? Find out all you need to know below.

  • CBD and Sleep: Your Questions Answered

    Ever wonder if CBD can help improve our sleep quality? And, if so, how can you use the cannabinoid to better your own sleep cycle? Find out what the research says on the subject.

  • CBD and Sport: Muscle Recovery, Pain, and Sleep

    Athletes nowadays have been known to take CBD to help them through the process of muscle recovery, but does it actually work? What's the science behind it, and what physical issues could CBD potent ...

  • Cannabis, Metabolism, and Weight Loss

    New research is slowly transforming the way we look at the cannabis plant. A new trend is suggesting that cannabis can help with weight loss. But is this fact or fiction? We take a look at the rese ...

  • 7 Tips For Talking To Your Doctor About Cannabis Or CBD

    Cannabis has re-emerged into mainstream culture, along with many of its constituents, like CBD. Many people are now discussing cannabinoid use with their doctors. Use this simple list of tips to op ...

  • What Is Nanoemulsion And How Does It Affect CBD?

    CBD oils and cannabis concentrates are hydrophobic substances. Poor water solubility results in low bioavailability, meaning only a small fraction of cannabinoids are absorbed by the body. Today, n ...