By Max Sargent

When summer comes around, wouldn’t it be nice to have a highly refreshing cannabis edible treat? Well, you can! Here we’re looking at cannabis-infused ice cream. Though we’ll focus on an avocado-based vegan mint choc chip recipe, you can adjust it to suit your preferences.

Keep reading to find out more.

A colorful collage combining elements of an ice cream truck, marijuana plants, and a man enjoying an ice cream. Two scoops of ice cream and the marijuana plants add a fun and relaxed vibe to the image.

An Introduction to Cannabis Ice Cream

Most people are aware of space cakes, hash brownies, and the general existence of cannabis edibles. However, many are not aware that such a glorious thing as cannabis ice cream exists! Well, we’re pleased to inform you that yes, an intoxicating and summery delight of this magnitude does exist, and is even fairly straightforward to make at home.

Plus, there’s a lot of variety in terms of flavours and effects, meaning that, if you want to, you can pair cannabis and ice cream together in a number of complementary ways.

The Effect of Weed Ice Cream

As with most cannabis edibles, weed ice cream is pretty potent. The reason for this is that the THC in edibles passes through the stomach and liver before entering the blood, and in the process is metabolised into 11-hydroxy THC. Compared to inhaled cannabis, 11-hydroxy THC is significantly more potent and longer lasting, resulting in stronger and potentially overwhelming effects.

As such, this should be taken into consideration when designing your recipe. However, if you consider the THC content of your chosen strain and the dose of each serving of weed ice cream, you can treat yourself to a delicious and enjoyable high without taking things too far.

To this end, you should shop about for the right strains to ensure the desired effects. Take a look at our store to find a range of seeds catering to consumers of all types!

Cannabis-Infused Mint Chip Avocado Ice Cream: A Look at the Beneficial Ingredients

Though you can make any type of ice cream you want, here we’re going to be talking about weedy mint choc chip ice cream. While the following recipe isn’t extremely healthy, there are some nutritional benefits associated with some of the ingredients. Let’s take a look.

  • Mint: This is a herb packed with a range of potentially beneficial terpenes and other compounds. As well as tasting great, it’s thought that it might be able to improve digestion and ease the bowels.
  • Avocado: These fruits are packed with healthy fats, and are a good friend to many vegans. They also contain a natural plant sterol called beta-sitosterol, which, when consumed regularly, is thought to be good for the heart.
  • Coconut oil: This oil is considered to be very healthy and also helps improve the bioavailability of the THC bound to it, getting you higher! Among the many benefits ascribed to coconut oil, it is believed by some to improve skin and hair health.
  • Chocolate: People always love to say that chocolate is healthy. And while cacao and chocolate rich in cacao do have potential health benefits, most chocolate is composed largely of processed fat and sugar, and as such is not healthy. However, high-quality chocolate is thought to have certain benefits, including improving mood by boosting anandamide in the body (much like CBD).

Essential Preparation When Making Cannabis-Infused Ice Cream

To get this process right, there are a few steps you’ll need to take. First, you’ll need to decarboxylate your cannabis in order to make the THC available via ingestion. If you don’t do this, you won’t get high. To decarb your weed, grind it up and bake it in the oven at 110°C for 45 minutes. After that, you’ll need to infuse it into the coconut oil before it can be used in any recipe.

As cannabis oil is essential for many edibles recipes, we won’t go into making it here. However, you can find simple instructions for making cannabis oil on our dedicated page!

Once you’ve got your oil, you’ll need to dose it correctly to ensure you have some idea of what to expect when you eat your ice cream. For detailed information about dosing cannabis edibles, take a look at our page on how to calculate THC dosages.

A visual guide to making cannabis-infused olive oil. It shows four steps: preheating the oven and grinding the weed, decarboxylating the weed, simmering the mixture, and straining the mixture.

What You’ll Need to Make Cannabis-Infused Mint Chip Avocado Ice Cream

If you’ve decided this weed-infused treat is to your liking (and who wouldn’t), then here’s what you’ll need to make cannabis-infused ice cream.


  • Blender
  • Spoon
  • Ice cream maker (optional)
  • Freezer-safe mixing bowls
  • Metal pot and glass bowl for double boiler

Ingredients for Weed Ice Cream

(Serves 5)

  • 2 ripe avocados, peeled and diced
  • 2x 400 ml cans full-fat coconut milk (refrigerated overnight) or 300 ml double cream + 100 ml whole milk
  • 1 large handful fresh spearmint leaves
  • 15 ml peppermint extract
  • 155–185 ml rice syrup or another natural sweetener
  • 220 g raw cacao nibs or the same amount of unsweetened dark chocolate
  • 30 ml cannabis-infused coconut oil

How to Make Make Cannabis-Infused Mint Chip Avocado Ice Cream

Once you have everything gathered, it’s time to get to it! Here’s what you need to do.

  • Step 1: Get Blending

This one is pretty simple. Place the avocados in your blender. Scoop in your coconut milk (or double cream + milk mixture), fresh mint leaves, peppermint extract, and rice syrup. Blend until smooth. At this point, if you like, you can add a splash of green food colouring; otherwise, it will come out a soft, creamy colour with just a hint of green.

  • Step 2: Fire Up Your Ice Cream Maker

If using an ice cream maker, pour in your mix and operate the machine according to the manufacturer's instructions, remembering to add the chocolate right at the end.

For those of us without an ice cream maker, pour your mixture into a freezer-safe mixing bowl and freeze for 4 hours, mixing it thoroughly with a wooden spoon every 30 minutes. This can get tougher and require a bit of elbow grease as it hardens, but trust us, it's worth it.

  • Step 3: Add the Chocolate

This is the part we've all been waiting for. Place your chocolate in a double boiler and add 30 ml of cannabis-infused coconut oil as it melts. You can add a dash of vanilla essence for added sweetness. A little goes a long way. Once it's all melted to a smooth consistency, drizzle the chocolate into your mix during the last few minutes of stirring.

A visual guide to making cannabis-infused mint chocolate chip ice cream, showing the steps of blending ingredients, using an ice cream maker, and adding chocolate.

Tips for Eating Weed Ice Cream

When you first sample your ice cream, start slow and observe how you feel. Until you’ve tried it, you can’t be certain how strong it will be, and you don’t want to be crawling around on the floor in a couple of hours. So take a small spoonful first, wait for it to take effect, and go from there.

Customisation and Variations

Why not throw on some extra toppings to mix it up and further improve your treat? Or how about matching a certain strain with a certain flavour of ice cream? Below, we’ll outline a few variations you can make to suit your needs and preferences.

  • Vegan Options for Your Avocado Ice Cream

The recipe above is suitable for vegan/lactose-intolerant people. All you need to do is exclude the cream and use raw cacao nibs or high-quality dark chocolate, neither of which include dairy. Otherwise, the recipe is suitable!

  • Using Different Types of Cannabis Infusions

You could also add cannabis-infused sugar, milk, or cream if you want to make it even stronger! However, be careful before doing this. Alternatively, you could add CBD infusions to help counterbalance the THC and make the high less intense.

  • Adding Extra Flavours or Toppings

You don’t need to stick to mint choc chip; you could do anything. Why not try pairing chocolate ice cream with our Chocolate Haze, or combining a citrusy strain like Mimosa Auto with a fruit-flavoured ice cream? You could even make a sorbet. Whatever your ice cream dreams are, you can bring the fantasy to life with a THC twist!

Mimosa Auto
23_genetic background_1 Mimosa Auto x Orangeade Auto
33_Yield indoors_1 350 - 400 gr/m2
31_plant height outdoor_1 100 - 150 cm
25_flowering time_1 7 - 8 weeks
29_THC_1 THC: 21%
28_Type Blend_1 Sativa 65% Indica 30% Ruderalis 5%
34_yield outdoor_1 80 - 130 gr/plant
32_plant height outdoors_1 120 – 160 cm
27_harvest period_1 9 - 10 weeks after sprouting
22_Effect_1 Clear, Uplifting

Buy Mimosa Auto

Chocolate Haze
23_genetic background_1 OG Chocolate Thai x Cannalope Haze
33_Yield indoors_1 475 - 525 gr/m2
31_plant height outdoor_1 90 - 160 cm
25_flowering time_1 9 - 11 weeks
29_THC_1 THC: 20%
28_Type Blend_1 Sativa 95% Indica 5%
34_yield outdoor_1 450 - 500 gr/plant
32_plant height outdoors_1 150 - 200 cm
27_harvest period_1 Late October
22_Effect_1 Heavy

Buy Chocolate Haze

Storing and Serving Your Cannabis-Infused Ice Cream: Tips

After all the freezing and mixing, your cannabis mint chip ice cream will be ready to be scooped into a tub and placed in your freezer—but we’re sure you'll want to eat some right away. When serving, leave it in a cool place for 10 to 15 minutes first. You want it to thaw a little so the scoop can cut through it.

Ignite Your Taste Buds With This Scrumptious Cannabis Recipe

And there you have it. The perfect cannabis-infused mint chip ice cream. The strength will vary based on how potent you make your cannabis-infused coconut oil, but as always, proceed with caution. Once it’s made, eating the whole tub at once is pretty hard to resist.

If you’re stuck for ideas regarding which strain to use, head over to our shop and take a look through our diverse collection! You won’t be left wanting for long.