• Easy Roots Trichoderma

Easy Roots Trichoderma

Microbial inputs are one of the cornerstones of natural gardening. Among them, Trichoderma fungi are one of the most well-researched and beneficial. The fungi in the Trichoderma genus increase nutrient cycling in the soil, boost plant resistance to disease, and actively fight off pathogenic microbes in the substrate. Add this powder to your arsenal for optimal results at the end of every grow.
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Trichoderma: Boost Plant Health and Vitality

Trichoderma is a genus of fungi present in most soils, from gardens to forests. Microorganisms like these fungi are fundamental parts of the organic grower's arsenal. Applying this humble life form as a natural input will help your plants reach their full potential while shielding them against disease.

Easy Roots Trichoderma Powder: A Proven Natural Strategy

Studies show that the genus Trichoderma serves as a plant growth-promoting fungi (PGPF) by making nutrients available to plants through nutrient cycling, realising growth-stimulating compounds, and boosting the resistance of plants in the face of disease. As well as enhancing plant resistance, Trichoderma powder directly suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that cause ailments and result in reduced plant health and productivity. Although these fungi most likely already exist in your soil to a certain degree, further inoculating your garden beds and containers will allow your plants to benefit from these microbial allies.

How To Use Trichoderma for Plants

If you want your plant to thrive, this is how to best use RQS Trichoderma:

  • Initial inoculation: To get things started, mix 1–2g of Trichoderma powder into water and administer as a soil drench
  • Maintenance: Apply 0.5–1g every 30 days to maintain a healthy population

Due to the powdery nature of this product, we recommend using respiratory equipment when handling Trichoderma powder. To extend its shelf life, avoid exposing the product to direct sunlight and store it in a cool and dry place. Because Trichoderma thrives in a wide pH range, you can also use it to enhance the health of numerous other plants.

Easy Roots Trichoderma Fungi (50g): A Breakdown

Trichoderma koningii 1 x 109CFU/g
Rhizosphere bacteria 103CFU/g
Dextrose-based substrate -

Chemical composition and properties
Granulometry <120μm
Organic matter 65%
pH 4.5
Nitrogen (N) 0.2%
Phosphorus (P2O5) 0.3%
Potassium (K2O) 0.2%

RQS Nutrients: The Best
Fertilisers for Cannabis

Easy Roots Rhizobacter
Easy Roots Trichoderma
Easy Roots Mycorrhiza Mix
Bat Guano
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition
Easy Grow Booster Tablets
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets
Easy Combo Booster Pack
Easy Plus Micronutrients
Thicker Flowers
Bigger Flowers
Sweeter Flowers
Incompatible (unless used in separate phases of growth) High in phosphorous (check Special considerations for each product)

    By J. B. on 16/Dec/2024 :

    Title : Jaba
    Comment : Super easy Anwendung auch nachträglich durch die Pulverform. Eine gute Möglichkeit die Vielfalt der Mikroorganismen im Living Soil zu erhöhen.

    By B. R. on 21/Jun/2024 :

    Title : SirSmokealot
    Comment : Ich habe mit Trichoderma das erst Mal Wurzelpilze verwendet und bin absolut begeistert. Die Sporen lassen sich sehr sparsam anwenden. In Kombination mit dem Starter Kit wird Keimen echt zur Nebensache. Ich bin absolut begeistert! Jetzt hab ich nicht mehr dieses Kasperletheater mit den Papiertüchern und der Kontaminierung frisch geschlüpfter Pflänzchen.

    By C. S. on 27/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Plants are lovely and lush
    Comment : Been using once a month as spray on plant and soil plant look lovely and green

    By A. S. on 21/Mar/2024 :

    Title : Efficace
    Comment : Dare alle piante un "inizio" sano significa sostanze nutritive, sostanze nutritive, sostanze nutritive. Utile per fornire supporto anche dopo la fase di trapianto

    By M. H. on 18/Oct/2023 :

    Title : My plants look much happier
    Comment : I got this stuff about two week ago and gave my plants a root drench and it has really picked them up and the buds even though they are in week five of flower they have ramped up the stink levels with extra fruit smell and look more sugary coated and the sticky ness has gone to a different level on my watermelon auto flower all three got a drench I’m super excited to try these babies would recommend this stuff to my fellow brothers from another mother and my sisters from another mister 👍

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