• Bio-Bloom Fertiliser
  • Bio-Bloom Fertiliser
  • Bio-Bloom Fertiliser

Bio-Bloom Fertiliser

Our fast-acting and efficient Bio-Bloom liquid fertiliser contains the essential macronutrients that weed plants need to produce thick, sticky, and aromatic buds. Take your harvests to the next level with this easy-to-use nutrient blend. Not only will it help you unlock better results, but it works quickly to resolve nutrient deficiency symptoms.
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Bio-Bloom Fertiliser: Fast-Acting Nutrition

Our Bio-Bloom fertiliser will take your yields to the next level. Complete with everything your plants need to pump out large and resinous buds, this formula enables all strains to reach their full potential. Genetics plays a critical role in achieving big yields, but at the end of the day, the size of your harvests largely hinges on what your plants eat! This liquid fertiliser contains high levels of potassium and phosphorus—two macronutrients that play a critical role in flower formation, development, and maturation.

This organic plant food blend will not only ensure that your canopies fill up with weighty flowers, but it’ll help to immediately correct deficiencies during bloom. As a liquid fertiliser containing ionic nutrients, it doesn’t require any time to break down in the soil. Instead, it immediately enters plants and works to make them stronger and more productive. Each bottle of Bio-Bloom Fertilizer provides 250 ml of high-quality nutrients.

How to Use Bio-Bloom Liquid Fertiliser

1. Shake well before use.
2. Add 1–2ml per litre of water.
3. Mix thoroughly before application.
4. Apply as a root drench or foliar spray.

Bio-Bloom: Storage & Safety

Store Bio-Bloom in a dark and dry place at temperatures between 5 and 35°C. Keep out of reach of children. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during use. In case of spillage, clean up with water; do not spill into the environment.

Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 5%
Potassium oxide (K2O) 5%

    By A. K. on 26/Jan/2025 :

    Title : A.A
    Comment : Super Flüssigkeit, habe die Ladys alle 3Tage 2ml auf 1 Liter Wasser plus Multivit 1 Tropfen auch hier von RQS eingesprüht bis alles richtig eingenebelt war, riecht zwar nicht gerade schön der Dünger aber habe noch nie so eine Blütenexplosion gesehen. Auch die Optik von den Pflanzen seit dem 1a Zustand. Keinerlei mangelerscheinungen mehr im Gegenteil richtig schöne position der Blätter den ganzen Tag über, und einmal die Woche wird damit gegossen. Kann diesen Bio Bloom Vertilizer nur empfehlen. Das Ende ist bald in Sicht und ich erahne Mega Fruchtig Harzige Blüten. Probiert es aus beim nächsten Grow. Echt Wahnsinn

    By G. C. on 01/Jan/2025 :

    Title : Guillaume
    Comment : Il n'y a pas d'azote. Ma plante a jauni rapidement, entièrement. Je suis réellement déçu des produits RQS.

    By F. J. on 04/Sep/2024 :

    Title : F.J
    Comment : Super Produkt, der Effekt lohnt sich!

    By V. F. on 31/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Frank
    Comment : Bis jetzt sieht alles super aus

    By F. W. on 18/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Bio Bloom
    Comment : Der Wahnsinn, ich habe in eine 500ml Sprühflasche 1ml des Düngers mit Wasser gemischt und die Pflanze in der Blütephase damit 2mal Täglich eingenebelt, so das ein leichter Wasserfilm auf der Pflanze entstand. Fazit: Blütenexplosion!

    By C. H. on 09/Jul/2024 :

    Title : Frage
    Comment : Muss ich täglich gießen mit dem bio bloom?

    By M. H. on 16/May/2024 :

    Title : Bio bloom
    Comment : This is well worth the money and can’t wait to see what they can do big bottles too 250ml looking forward to big plump flowers thanks RQS for everything you do the best company for me 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟👍✊

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From Lapo corzi | 2025-02-27 14:33:08

Buongiorno In quale periodo della crescita della pianta va dato questo fertilizzante?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Il fertilizzante Bio-Bloom dovrebbe essere somministrato durante la fase di fioritura della pianta. Iniziare a usarlo quando compaiono i primi segni di fiori

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