By Max Sargent

  • Moon rocks and sun rocks are similar, but the latter use premium ingredients.
  • Cannabis caviar doesn’t have a covering of kief.
  • At their strongest, these products can contain up to 80% THC.
  • Making them at home is straightforward if you have the right ingredients.

Here, we’re looking at some of the most premium cannabis products available: moon rocks, sun rocks, and cannabis caviar. What do all of these impressively named products have in common? They’re flowers covered in concentrates. But there are differences too. Let’s take a look!

What are moon rocks?

What Are Moon Rocks?

Moon rocks are something special. They are made by taking a regular cannabis flower, covering it with some kind of oil (usually BHO like wax) and coating it in a thick dusting of kief. This combination of ingredients is what makes moon rocks what they are. They’re essentially weed, hash and concentrates rolled into one! Pack one of these in your pipe and you’ve got yourself a return ticket to the space.

Moon rocks offer a high you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere as moon rocks’ THC levels are off the chart! The combination of ultra-powerful cannabis buds—containing anywhere between 25–30% THC—with potent concentrates smashes CB1 receptors with enormous levels of the psychotropic cannabinoid THC.

To put it in perspective, hitting a moon rock delivers a similar high to hitting a bong full of powerful buds, immediately after taking a super-strong dab.

How Do You Make Moon Rocks at Home?

You may well want to make these incredibly powerful cannabis treats at home. Well, it’s not so difficult, here’s what you need to make cannabis moon rocks at home.

Ingredients and Equipment

  • Medium/large buds
  • Butane hash oil (or chosen concentrate)
  • Kief
  • Tweezers
  • Stainless steel bowl
  • Paint or makeup brush
  • Gloves
  • Parchment paper


  1. First off, you should carefully clean the environment. Moon rocks are pure and very sticky, so you want to work in relatively dust-free space if you’re going to avoid them becoming contaminated.
  2. Now you need to get your concentrate ready. If it’s already liquid, then it’s good to go. If not, put it in a pan and heat it at a very low temperature until it becomes runny.
  3. Once your concentrate is liquid, get your brush and start painting your buds. You can leave them to set at this stage (in which case you’ll have cannabis caviar), or you can continue on to the next step if moon rocks are your final goal.
  4. Place your kief in a stainless steel or glass bowl. Use tweezers to take your concentrate-coated bud and now roll it around in the kief until it’s well covered. Keep rolling until it’s collected all the kief or it’s so covered that it can’t collect any more.
  5. Place them on clean baking parchment until they are completely dry.
How to make moonrocks at home

Which Strains are Best for Moon Rocks?

You can use any strain you like. However, we’d suggest OG Kush. This is an award-winning hybrid that has both soothing and uplifting effects. Despite its strength, it’s still a balanced and enjoyable high, which comes in useful when dealing with something as powerful as a moon rock!

OG Kush
23_genetic background_1 Chemdawg x Lemon Thai x Pakistani Kush
33_Yield indoors_1 15 to 17 oz/m²
31_plant height outdoor_1 3 to 5 feet
25_flowering time_1 7 - 9 weeks
29_THC_1 THC: 19%
28_Type Blend_1 Sativa 25% Indica 75%
34_yield outdoor_1 18 to 19 oz/plant
32_plant height outdoors_1 6 to 7 feet
27_harvest period_1 October
22_Effect_1 Calming, Uplifting

Buy OG Kush

What Is Cannabis Caviar?

But what is cannabis caviar? As you might have noticed in our instructions for making cannabis moon rocks, cannabis caviar is similar, but lacks the covering of kief. Essentially, cannabis caviar is bud covered in a cannabis concentrate. That’s it.

Cannabis caviar, as the name suggests, is considered a premium cannabis product due to its high strength and the extra quality that the addition of concentrates add to it.

What are Sun Rocks?

What about cannabis sun rocks? Sun rocks take things to another level. A sun rock is basically like moon rock’s older, stronger brother.

While their composition is nearly identical (a bud coated in concentrate and sprinkled with kief), sun rocks are typically made using higher-grade products. They are currently being produced by two main manufacturers in California, Big Tray Deee and Apollo Sun Rocks.

If moon rocks aren’t enough for you, sun rocks offer something even more profound. This creation provides one of the most powerful cannabis experiences available, short of hitting pure THC crystals. With THC levels clocking in at 60–80%, sun rocks bestow an immediate high that lingers for hours. They might leave you wondering where exactly you’ve been.

Moon Rock vs Sun Rock: How They Differ

Sun rocks and moon rocks share a similar composition, but their quality and potency set them apart. The creation process and ingredients are the same, but it all comes down to quality. Sun rocks could be considered premium moon rocks.

Here’s a comparison:

Moon Rocks
  • THC: 50%–60%
  • Composition: Bud + concentrate + kief
  • Effect: Strong, intense high
  • Availability: Common, can be homemade
Sun Rocks
  • THC: 60%–80%
  • Composition: High-quality bud + premium concentrate + kief
  • Effect: Stronger, intense high
  • Availability: More exclusive, often brand-produced

Why Choose Moon Rocks?

  • You want something more affordable or easier to make at home.
  • You want a strong high with a classic cannabis feel.

Why Choose Sun Rocks?

  • You want an even stronger, more intense experience.
  • You want something more refined with premium ingredients.

How Do You Smoke Moon Rock Weed?

Smoking moon rocks is a little different to smoking regular flower. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on some, here are some tips to enjoy them properly.

Don’t grind them: A regular herb grinder will butcher these buds and likely struggle with their sticky texture. Instead, use your fingers or scissors to gently break them apart.

  1. Use a pipe, bong, or bubbler: With their high potency, you don’t need a lot of these rocks to get you flying. Hence, it's best to use a pipe/bong with a small cone to avoid letting this stuff go to waste.
  2. Mix it with some regular weed: take it and sprinkle into some regular weed.
  3. The high can be intense, especially if you’re not used to it. To manage this, start low and don’t underestimate it. Ensure you’re somewhere comfortable and have water, or another soothing drink on hand. Perhaps use moon rocks in the company of a trusted friend the first time you try them.
how to smoke moon rocks

How Do You Smoke Sun Rocks?

Smoking sun rocks is basically the same as smoking moon rocks. However, you should use even less! If you’ve not experienced them before, then really just sample a tiny amount before blowing yourself away. These are some of the purest and most potent THC products available, and must therefore be treated with respect.

You can also vape sun rocks if you have appropriate equipment: something that can handle dry herb and concentrates. This will help to get the full effects of the THC and experience the full richness of the terpenes.

How Do You Smoke Cannabis Caviar?

And how to smoke caviar? Again, it’s the same basic process. Due to the absence of kief, this product is not quite as strong as moon rocks or sun rocks. That being said, cannabis caviar is still very potent!

You can smoke it or vape it. You can follow the instructions as given above for best results. Pipes, bongs and vaporizers will all work well, just make sure you account for the presence of the concentrate too.

How Do You Store Moon Rocks and Cannabis Caviar?

Storing moon rocks, sun rocks and cannabis caviar is easy, but should be done properly if you want these premium products to maintain their quality. Air, light, heat and moisture will all degrade cannabis, ruining potency and flavor, so these are your nemeses.

Use airtight containers and store them in a cool, dark and dry place. These products are perfect for storing moon rocks:

Are Moon Rocks, Sun Rocks, and Cannabis Caviar Worth the Hype?

These cannabis products are worth the hype, but may not be suitable for everyone. If you want extremely potent products with a powerful flavor, and you’re willing to put the effort into consuming them properly, then you’ll love them. If you just want to smoke up and get blazed, they might be overkill. Likewise, beginners will probably be overwhelmed and find them unenjoyable.

However, in their own right moon rocks, sun rocks, and cannabis caviar are all very impressive and deserve respect.

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