By Miguel Ordoñez

Sex and cannabis. This subject has driven many scientists and marijuana enthusiasts to pursue the understanding of the connection between marijuana and sexual functioning. Some claim that cannabis consumption increases one’s sexual arousal; some claim the opposite. Let’s get to the facts!

A new study[1] indicates that cannabis can be beneficial for men with erectile dysfunction (ED) and delayed ejaculation disorder, and also for women with sexual arousal disorder. The research was conducted by researchers from Masaryk University, Charles University and the University of Catania.

In the abstract, the researchers bring up the great contradictions between positive and negative effects of cannabis on sexual functioning. For centuries, the effects of marijuana on sexual behavior have been subject to investigation; some say that it's an aphrodisiac, some say the opposite. This contradictory effect of cannabis is present in both males and females.

The abstract continues stating that the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and the identification of Δ9-THC opened the doors for potential treatments of sexual dysfunctions with cannabis; since an endogenous cannabinoid AEA (anandamide) has been discovered to have an effect on the ECS, which in turn can affect the sexual functioning.

The experienced difference between sexual pleasure and the "aphrodisiac effect" after cannabis consumption is explained in the “Human Studies” paragraph of the study. Evidence shows that a relatively large amount of cannabis users’ motivational, hedonic and perceptual experience of sexual intercourse is somehow affected, in both sexes. The motivational (aphrodisiac) and hedonic (pleasure) effects are the most common among participants, with heightened pleasure being more present than the increase of the aphrodisiac effect.

The conclusion of the study asserts, that in terms of human sexual functioning, cannabis dosing is a significant aspect. At a low dose, it can be beneficial; at a high dose, debilitating. In the preclinical trials, low doses of anandamide facilitated specific sexual behavior through CB1 receptors. By contrast, large doses of cannabis inhibited the sexual functioning aspects through TRPV1 channel activation, which can generate adverse effects on sexual behavior. Therefore, cannabis could potentially be a cure for lifelong sexual disorders, if the dosage and cannabinoid content is just right.

The study also suggests, that more research is necessary to get a solid overview of the interrelations between cannabis and sexual functioning, due to the complexity of the physiology and pathology of sexual behavior. More interrelations between cannabis and receptors, neuronal subpopulation, brain regions, hormonal regimes etc. need to be discovered.

Sex Study Cannabis


It’s fantastic, that scientists are connecting the dots between cannabis use and various positive effects. This study suggests, that cannabis in low doses seems to have positive effects on sexual functioning, while getting baked out of your mind may have adverse effects. It’s important to push forward with marijuana acceptance in the science sector; getting to the bottom of the interrelations between cannabis and our bodies is imperative. And remember, always take blogs and articles with a pinch of salt. Just because a headline says, that cannabis cures sexual dysfunctions, does not mean, that it will be the case, as per the study evaluated. So, if you enjoy cannabis for sexual endeavors, then do what you think is best. 

External Resources:
  1. Endocannabinoid system in sexual motivational processes: Is it a novel therapeutic horizon? - PubMed - NCBI
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