
¡Viva Las Vegas! Cannabis Is Now Legal In Nevada
Nevada has a knack for breaking taboos; from prostitution and gambling to impulsive marriages. Once again, their laws chart new territory after last year's vote to join the progressive vanguard of American states legalizing cannabis. Get familiar with the new laws before you think of paying a visit.
Nevada was one of four states where Election Night 2016 saw voters approve the legalization of cannabis. California, Maine, and Massachusetts also passed such ballot initiatives, although one initiative in Arizona lost by a mere 2%. Momentum appears to building for a societal shift regarding the opinion of cannabis. The cannabis industry is turning its attention to Nevada this year as a lot of revenue from cannabis sales is expected.
From the outset, demand exceeded expectations. Legal cannabis markets in California and Canada will not be introduced until 2018. 2017 is the year Nevada is positioning itself as a destination for cannabusiness. Nevada attracts a lot of tourists as it is; its reputation for shattering taboos around gambling and sex work make it quite the destination. Now that cannabis is also on the menu, perhaps tourism will rise further as it did in other legalizing states.
If you plan to be involved in Nevada’s new industry, you need to know all the laws surrounding cannabis ahead of time. Don't show up thinking it's a free-for-all. The federal government is still cracking down on cannabis. This makes it all the more important to pay attention to the precise state laws on cannabis. Make sensible decisions, knowing that you have the following regulations to work with.
Nevada had already legalized medicinal cannabis in 2001, with medical marijuana dispensaries opening up in 2015. Medicinal users over 18 can purchase from these dispensaries once they obtain a valid medical marijuana card from any state that approves medical use. These stores will continue to operate alongside recreational dispensaries, which first opened on Saturday, July 1st, 2017 to anyone over 21.
Some stores opened at the stroke of midnight the previous evening, while others opened their doors in the morning. Reports from both locations depicted a celebratory atmosphere with long queues rejoicing in the legal sale of high-quality cannabis. Within four days, recreational cannabis sales generated $3 million in sales revenue and about $500,000 in tax revenue.
The federal government of the United States still criminalises cannabis. Harshly. This has created tensions between federal and state governments. There is a legal gray area where you could still get arrested for cannabis offenses in a cannabis-friendly state. Although seven states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational use, lighting up could still get serious. Federal property is a big no-no, including locations such as national parks and subsidised public housing.
You're taking a risk smoking weed in any public location in Nevada. Dispensary facilities do not provide consumption spaces. Neither do bars, restaurants or casinos. The law states that only consumption on private property (including gardens and porches) is permitted. Perhaps some day, certain resorts will gain permission for this. Right now, however, one shouldn't take any risks.
Don't get blazed while walking down the strip. Maybe it will be fine, but it certainly won't be if cops catch you violating the consumption laws. There is a fine of up to $600 for first-time offenders. Higher fines, community service and even up to 6 months in jail are likely for repeat offenders. So it's not worth the risk of drawing attention to yourself in public.
Consumption is restricted to one ounce of ganja or one-eighth of an ounce of cannabis edibles or concentrates in one day's purchase. Dispensaries are tracked in real-time throughout the state to prevent purchases of more than 2.5 ounces every 14 days. So, trying to exceed this purchasing limit will be tricky. However much you buy, do not try to take it or mail it outside of the state. If you're transporting it in your vehicle, you must have a closed container.
It should go without saying that you must not drive under the influence of cannabis. Law enforcement are allowed to take a urine sample, blood sample or field sobriety test as determination of how high you are. Consider yourself busted with ten nanograms of urine-cannabis content or two nanograms of blood-cannabis content (that's per milliliter). There are also severe penalties for distributing cannabis to anyone under 21. Unless it's part of approved medical use, giving cannabis to minors is punishable with a minimum one-year jail sentence for first time offenses and up to life in prison (with potential parole after five years) for subsequent offenses.
Perhaps such tight restrictions are necessary for adjusting the public to the availability of a new intoxicant. Or perhaps they have been too stringent as complications around regulating cultivation have been the subject of controversy. While many states allow for the personal cultivation of plants at home (usually restricted to a limit between 2 and 6), Nevada law does not tolerate this within 25 miles of a dispensary. The logic that personal cultivation shouldn't be an option when there's a store available has led to personal cultivation being illegal in most of Nevada.
While you may enjoy visiting Nevada, you do have to be aware how particular their laws are regarding access to cannabis. As you would anywhere else, make responsible decisions and don't create a public nuisance. Stay out of trouble and stay in good vibes.