By C. B. on 27/Nov/2024 :

    Title : 👩🏼‍🍳💋
    Comment : This is probably one of my favorite strains. It’s currently in drying but it was a beautiful plant. Dense and bright colorful nugs. Smells sweet and tried a tester nug, smoked pretty nicely. Highly recommend, especially to those who have been smoking for a few years

    By A. C. on 23/Nov/2024 :

    Title : Aaron
    Comment : Will knock out veteran smokers

    By T. S. on 20/Nov/2024 :

    Title : GRower
    Comment : Excellentes graines malgré une qui n'a pas germé

    By A. B. on 13/Nov/2024 :

    Title : Andy
    Comment : Leider hat sich ein samen auf dem weg ausm easyplug selbst geköpft, hat ich davor bei ner special queen von euch auch schonmal 😔

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